Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Create Dynamic Lighting Effect Using Custom Brushes

Create Dynamic Lighting Effect Using Custom Brushes in Photoshop CS5
We have another great tutorial available for our readers today. I’m going to show you how to create dynamic lighting effect using a stock photo, custom brushes, simple shapes and masks in Adobe Photoshop CS5. Let’s get started!
Start working by creating a new document (Ctrl+N) in Adobe Photoshop CS5 with the size 1050px by 1680px(RGB color mode) at a resolution of 72 pixels/inch. Click on Add a layer style icon from bottom part of theLayers panel and select Gradient Overlay.
Blending Options>Gradient Overlay

Create Dynamic Lighting Effect Using Custom Brushes in Photoshop CS5
Click in the color bar to open the Gradient Editor and set the color stops as shown. Click OK to close theGradient Editor dialog box.

Create Dynamic Lighting Effect Using Custom Brushes in Photoshop CS5
We’ve got the next background:
Create Dynamic Lighting Effect Using Custom Brushes in Photoshop CS5
Create a new layer and select the Paint Bucket Tool (G) to fill the new layer with #3B4E6C color.
Create Dynamic Lighting Effect Using Custom Brushes in Photoshop CS5
Insert the mask on the layer by choosing Add layer mask on the bottom part of the Layers panel and select after that Filter>Render>Clouds. Select after that the Soft Round brush from Brush Tool (B).
Create Dynamic Lighting Effect Using Custom Brushes in Photoshop CS5
Paint in the mask using this brush to clean up the top part of the canvas as shown. The brush’s color is black.
Create Dynamic Lighting Effect Using Custom Brushes in Photoshop CS5
Create a new layer and select the Soft Round.
Create Dynamic Lighting Effect Using Custom Brushes in Photoshop CS5
Use this brush to represent many dots with #536874 color.
Create Dynamic Lighting Effect Using Custom Brushes in Photoshop CS5
Find a stock photo with a model represented on it, I used this photo from Shutterstock. I would like to thank theauthor of this photo, or if you prefer, you can substitute similar image of your own.

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