Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Colorful Glow Text Effects

Create a glowing text effects form a scratch in Adobe Photoshop CS3

In this Quick Tip tutorial, you will learn how to create a glowing text effect from a scratch in Adobe Photoshop CS3 using Layer Styles.

Start working by creating a new document (Ctrl+N) in Adobe Photoshop CS3 with the size 1900px by 1200px(RGB color mode) at a resolution of 72 pixels/inch. Use the Paint Bucket Tool (G) to fill with black color thenew background layer.
Create a glowing text effects form a scratch in Adobe Photoshop CS3Create a glowing text effects form a scratch in Adobe Photoshop CS3
On a new layer (Create new layer) we’ll select the Soft Round brush.

Create a glowing text effects form a scratch in Adobe Photoshop CS3
Use this brush to represent a spot on the central part of the canvas. The brush’s color is #007EC7
Create a glowing text effects form a scratch in Adobe Photoshop CS3
Apply the next filter for the layer containing the spot: Fitler>Distort>ZigZag
Create a glowing text effects form a scratch in Adobe Photoshop CS3
We’ve got the next result:
Create a glowing text effects form a scratch in Adobe Photoshop CS3
Set Fill to 54% for this layer.
Create a glowing text effects form a scratch in Adobe Photoshop CS3
Next we’ll choose the Rectangle Tool (U) to represent three white lines which must be turned over with Free Transform (Ctrl+T) command.
Create a glowing text effects form a scratch in Adobe Photoshop CS3
Combine in a group all three layers with the white lines (press CTRL button to select the necessary layers and hold on the left mouse’s button while dragging the selected layers on Create a new group icon from bottom part of the Layers panel).
Select the group now and then press CTRL+E to Merge Down. On the rasterized layer we’ll apply the next filter:Fitler>Distort>Wave
Create a glowing text effects form a scratch in Adobe Photoshop CS3
We’ve got the next result:
Create a glowing text effects form a scratch in Adobe Photoshop CS3
On the same layer we need to apply also Filter>Blur>Gaussian blur

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